Book Review · 23rd June 2023


Hilary McKay, Illus Keith Robinson. Barrington Stoke. (104p) ISBN: 9781800902206


This ghost story is the perfect marriage of three things I love. Hilary McKay and her wonderful description of place and time, Keith Robinson’s dark brooding illustrations, and Barrington Stokes’ insistence on bringing high quality stories to their readers.

This is the story of Jodie, a girl who’s life has been trouble for so long that she tends to listen more than most so it is no surprise that she hears what others can’t.

Hilary McKay describes an outdoor centre perfectly (used to take trips to these all around the country for the school I worked at) and the desolation and loneliness of the place is reflected in Jodie’s inner self.

This is also perfectly assisted with Keith Robinson’s illustrations that support all the atmosphere that is built up throughout the book.

The ghost story aspect is subtle and quite chilling, also extremely sad but I’m not wanting to give anything away about the ending or the core of the haunting, but it is so well done and left me sad yet satisfied.

Another great book from all three involved and I’m so grateful to get an advanced copy through NetGalley for review.

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