Journal · 28th August 2024

Future Blogging



Been having a lot of problems with motivation to read lately, lots going on in my life and working full time with a 12-hour day out of the house has put a real crimp on any chance of blogging on any kind of regular basis.

It’s started making me feel really anxious about the whole blogging thing as I was tipping into the idea of having timetables and goals again which is never healthy, and this was adding to me feeling a lot of FOMO at the moment.

I was chasing ARCs and release dates without the actual capacity to do anything close to achieving any of these self-imposed goals.

I subconsciously was trying to develop a side-hustle without having the space or energy to put into a side-hustle and this is causing me a lot of anxiety, and as soon as I realised this I pulled back a bit on everything and that’s why there’s been no newsletter for a while, review rates are down as is my posting on social media. I now only really seem to be posting on Bluesky as it feel far more relaxed but with some great interaction.

At this point I’m not entirely sure of what I’m doing or how I want to proceed but I know I’m no longer chasing ARCs and deadlines, I’ll eventually read all the books I’ve got but will not feel pressured by dates. I’ll also no longer be taking any review requests as these have been getting weirder and weirder over the last few months, some aggressive, most passive aggressive.

So from now I’m just going to blog when I feel like it and can fit it in, not feel as though there’s any pressure on me to hustle and just enjoy myself again.

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